
HELLO 2015!!  I can’t wait to post some of my work and also can’t wait for you to read my work!!

The last time I used my blog was in june 2014.

Cant Wait!!

And Remember,” No Matter What Your Age You Can Always Have Fun Reading!!”

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I was in at the beach in Cronulla because it was far too hot, the hottest day in history. 45 degrees Celsius and climbing. I got changed into my swimmers and jumped into the water it was the best thing I had ever done the water was like a cool bath that wiped all my cares away. All of a sudden I heard the loudest noise ever BEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEP the shark alarm was going I swam back to shore and it was the hottest it had been all day 49 degrees Celsius wow!! I was able to cool down again!!

Soccer Crazy

Argentina vs Brazil 0-0 at half time! This was the most exciting soccer match that I had ever watched. There had been a streaker but that’s what happens in Brazil when it is 0-0. Second half is under way and Brazil score with 25 minutes to go. This was a very intriguing match, Messi and Ronaldo were trying to tackle each other and then Messi made a break and he scored. 1-1 with 2 minutes to go, when Brazil had a corner. He kicked it in and then Ronaldo headed it in. PEEEEEEEEEEEEP the referee’s whistle blew, Brazil had won.

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I was in the cold dark unpleasant lane when I saw a gateway leading into the forest. I was determined to find out what it was so I crept closer to the gateway and then I saw a person. I said hi and then we became friends. My new friend Justice was a local and he took me for a tour. After a while I saw a pitch black cave. I was interested in the cave so I asked Justice what it was. He said it was dangerous because there was running water that is super slippery. Wow I said……

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I was in the dark gloomy cave when I stumbled across a chest. I wondered what was in the chest. When I heard noises I soon thought they were rats but I thought wrong!! When the noise became louder I soon knew that they were people. But why would people be wandering around in a cave anyway?? Why was I wandering round in a cave? I needed to get out but where could I go?? There was only one way out and it was where the people were coming in. All of a sudden I heard “HEY MATE HANDS UP”……….

Letter to World Leaders

Dear World Leaders,

I believe that it is crucial that all poor children must go to school. If poor kids don’t go to school they don’t get to learn and become independent. This is an important thing that all young children should be able to have. I strongly believe that all kids should go to school no matter what their shape or size. If children don’t go to school they will not be able to have skills and knowledge. My friend is disabled and is allowed to go her local school why not Lucy?? Please let everybody go to school.

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Once upon a time there were two small men who were mates. They were treated very badly because in the human world they were small models that were just decorations. In their world they were very lively and liked to chat. One day they were just having their usual chat when they heard a buzzing noise. Then out of nowhere a bee the size of a chocolate Easter egg landed right in front of them. WHAT said one of the mates HOW said the other mate AHHHHHHHH said both of them. Then the bee stopped and fell on the floor.

The Robbers

I was standing in the corner shop trying to figure out why two Chinese people robbed the bank. Then all of a sudden I heard two unusual people talking. Some of the words sounded like a foreign language. Maybe just maybe could it be the two Chinese people that robbed the bank? I had to find out more. So I slipped away and said to the cashier ‘When those people come to pay please tell them to pull their passports out.’ If they are Chinese, call the police, they are the people who robbed the bank. They were bank robbers………….

The chase


“We must run to safety”


” We must, he is the person who was in jail for 37 years!”


” Stop talking, run, he is following us!!”


” Run behind that bush he won’t see us.”


” To bad he has seen us, run to our house!”


“Call the cops quickly!!”




“The man outside he was going to kill us”


“Don’t worry he likes to play with fluffy unicorns he was chasing you with that”


Oh that’s ok then but still put him in jail again.


I will fluffy unicorn playing is a crime!!